Recovering your potential
We can all find ourselves at times bound by some counterproductive habit or attitude. The ancient Latin word addictus meant “bond-servant,” that is, someone who is bound to servitude -- someone whose birthright has been taken away. And what does every such individual want most of all?
To be free.
I see my work as recovery coach as focused on helping to liberate my clients from addictus, or servitude:
Whether to a substance like alcohol or other drugs;
a behavior like compulsively eating, working, or spending;
or even a problematic attitude like self-doubt or resentment.
And what do my clients recover? (Sometimes it’s more like “discover” for the very first time!)
Their birthright, their true potential: a purposeful life of creative self-expression -- deeply connected and meaningfully contributing.
If addiction is a "disease of choice" -- where short-term solutions to stress undermine our better choices long-term -- then my work as recovery coach is to help my clients regain a sense of choosing for life through sustained, successful recovery!
What exactly do I mean by recovery coaching?
I value actively collaborating with all clients. This means creating an environment of mutually felt respect, where effective change can happen – and not a top-down approach, in which lasting change rarely happens.
I place the highest premium on strengths (even if sometimes hidden, at first) that my clients bring to facing life’s challenges. Some well-intentioned approaches may zero in on highlighting an individual’s deficits, but such approaches unfortunately often lead to zero gains.
I believe that working in the here-and-now present is much more useful in building resilience than is focusing inordinately on the past. We apply currently what we have learned from past mistakes, moving forward with increased awareness and skill.
I find labeling clients unhelpful, if not demoralizing. My approach to coaching is non-diagnostic, which is to say, each person is seen as a unique individual with a unique destiny, and we aim to release all positive, inner resources to that end.
I did not experience cookie-cutter, “one size fits all” approaches helpful in my own recovery and healing, and I do not assume my clients would, either. Therefore, we focus in this work on deciding together what works best for each person’s distinctive needs.
I believe the research clearly indicates that many of us got into difficulties in life owing to a lack of caring and connectedness. Thus, it makes good sense that we co-create a nourishing environment rich in compassion.
Physical Well-being
overall health, diet, exercise, rest, stress management, and recovery from any addictive behaviors
Relationship Connection
cultivating a circle of genuine intimacy and mutual vulnerability, healing past wounds, setting clear boundaries, (re)building trust
Mental Resources
stimulating means for expanding one’s intellect, including meaningful books, articles, and instructional videos
Emotional Balance
developing authentic self-esteem, practicing forgiveness and gratitude, learning to navigate stress, depression, anxiety, shame, and/or trauma
Creative Self-Expression
exploring any and all means of “re-creation,” that promote the opening up of our souls into beauty, spontaneity, and wonder
Spiritual Resources
applying skillful means, such as mindfulness meditation, personal prayer, and yoga, to the deepening of one’s appreciation of all that is
A little about what I do

The upshot of all this work, in a creative and collaborative coaching relationship with me, is liberating one’s best self to contribute in meaningful and purposeful ways, whether in business, vocation, or schooling; or family, parenting, and relationship.
“To love and to work” as the fullest possible expression of one’s own unique gifts and dreams.